๐Ÿ” Exact vs Fuzzy Search Update
We have invested our time and effort to enhance the precision and quality of our search experience, and we are happy to announce that these efforts have yielded positive results.
Exact vs. Fuzzy Search
Improved Select Star search can help to save time and increase efficiency by reducing the number of results that need to be reviewed.
If you misspell the keyword or if the asset does not exist in the system, we'll let you know that there are 0 results found, and activate fuzzy search with similar keyword search result:
Group 29444
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๐Ÿ” Full Path Search
As a user, I want to be able to search by full path and find exact table even if the search phrase is very long so that I can open that table page.
Our answer:
Yes, you can!
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Search results are influenced by various factors, and we are constantly updating our codebase to provide the most relevant results to you.
๐Ÿท๏ธ Team and Tag mention
Now in documents or discussions, you can mention other teams or tags you wish to refer.
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Clicking on a mention will take you directly to the corresponding page, allowing you to quickly access the information you need, allowing for a smoother workflow between teams.
We have also updated our search to exclude data source users from search results. As a result, you can now easily mention individuals in a doc or description.
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๐Ÿท๏ธ Tag API Update
We are working on multiple API changes in the coming months, and to simplify API response related to tags, we made the change to our API response to show
instead of
Example -
For this request,
GET https://api.staging.getselectstar.com/v1/columns/?tables={GUID}
Previously, the API response would contain -
{.... "tags": [ { "guid": "tg_M5JGjhULEPsayicYn3j7Vn", "type": "category", "name": "Fernanda tag 5", "icon": "tagPink",......
Now, for the same request the response would contain -
{.... "tagged_items": [ { "tag": { "guid": "tg_M5JGjhULEPsayicYn3j7Vn", "type": "category", "name": "Fernanda tag 5", "icon": "tagPink",
This update changes the response for the following API calls -
  • columns_list
  • columns_read
  • columns_partial_update
  • tables_list
  • tables_read
  • tables_partial_update
Learn more about our API in the doc. For API examples, refer to this doc.
Have a great day everyone!