🌼Welcome to our first product change log in March.🌼
We're excited to announce several updates that we believe enhance your Select Star experience and also improve the overall performance of the product.
📊 Dashboard Menu
A new addition to our product's user interface - a dedicated "Dashboard" menu section in the left sidebar. Previously, users had to navigate to the "Data" section and then click through a dropdown menu to access specific BI sources.
With the new dashboard section, users can now access their BI sources directly.
In addition to these updates, we've also implemented various upgrades to enhance the overall performance of the sidebar.
🏷️ Nested Tag with Full Path
To provide greater clarity on nested tags, we've implemented a feature that displays the parent tags along with their child tags in the UI.
For example, if you have two tags, "Sales" and "Metric" tags, it can be overwhelming to track the parent tag for "Metric", in cases when it is nested under multiple tags.
Now that we show the parent-child relationship in the UI, you can easily identify where each tag comes from and identify its context within the tagging structure.
Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 7
This enhancement should make it simpler for you to navigate and manage tags within Select Star.
Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 8
🏷️ Metric API updates
With the continued commitment to improving our API, this month we updated our Metric API. Now, you can create a new metric with or without adding details to the parameters.
Here is the list of all the Parameters required for
POST /v1/metrics/
We have also adding a the option to update the Dimensions using
PATCH /v1/metrics/dimensions/
Parameters needed are
When updating dimensions, it has be either explorefield, column or tableaufield.
Note: Invalid dimensions objects will result in a 400 error.
For more information, check out our API reference doc.
We hope these updates will enhance your experience and make our product even more useful to you. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for future improvements!