We are excited to announce the latest release of new features & improvements:
Automated PII Detection (Beta)
Select Star's Automated PII column detection is a feature that automatically detects columns in a dataset that contain personal information such as names, addresses, social security numbers, and other identifying data.
This helps organizations comply with privacy regulations and enhance data security while saving time and resources.
Screenshot 2023-05-07 at 4
You can check more info here. This feature is currently in beta! Please reach out to support@getselectstar.com to activate this feature.
Markdown Support
Our main documentation feature now includes strong support for Markdown formatting via API. With this new release, you can now create and edit Markdown-formatted content programmatically, using our API.
You can also use markdown to write the descriptions by clicking on the markdown toggle at the bottom of the editor. Learn more about this support here.
Updating rich text descriptions via API
Select Star now supports both SlateJS and Markdown for formatting text in rich text descriptions.
To update the rich text description field via API using SlateJS format, you need to send a PATCH request to the API endpoint with the updated content in SlateJS format.
Here is an example of a Python script making a request to update a rich text description:
After making this request, you’ll be able to see this in the Select Star platform as a result:
🧩 S3 Support
Our team has been hard at work to display S3 lineage for Snowflake tables. So, if a file (CSV, JSON, etc) was ingested by a Snowflake table from a S3 location, you can now see the lineage in the Upsteam tab and in Lineage Explore. 🎉
Upstream -
Lineage -
Snowflake External Table and Stage support coming soon!!
🚀 AWS Glue Integration (Beta)
Along with support for S3, we are also launching the new integration with AWS Glue. With this integration, you can view the databases and tables in your AWS Glue environment and you'll be able to see downstream table lineage for your Snowflake tables.
List of AWS Glue tables with location -
Downstream -
Lineage -
Learn more about our AWS Glue integration in the doc.
Have a great day!
-Select Star Team 🫶