🏷️ API updates
We recently released a new feature to get GUID of schema, table or column when a full path is provided in the API call.
Example request -
GET https://api.production.getselectstar.com/v1/tables/?page=1&page_size=1&search_name=Snowflake.NewAdventureWorks.Person.Address&query={guid}&order=-popularity
In the example -
Snowflake.NewAdventureWorks.Person.Address is
{Select Star Data Source Name}.{Database}.{Schema}.{Table}
You can also use the columns endpoints to get the GUID for a specific column.
🔥 Tableau Updates
Based on our user feedback, we are introducing updates to our Tableau integration:
  • Display underlying calculation for Datasource Fields
We now show the underlying calculation for Calculated Field within a Tableau Datasource.
  • Only show Published Datasources as default
Some of you requested to only show the Published Datasources by default on our Tableau Datasource.
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You can still view the embedded Tableau Datasources by checking the checkbox on the right.
  • Display Downstream Dashboards for Tableau Datasources
You can now quickly see all the Tableau Workbooks utilizing a specific Tableau Datasource (for both Published and Embedded).
  • View SQL for Custom SQL based Datasource
With this update, you no longer need to manually edit the workbook to view the SQL. We have improved the process of accessing the SQL that powers Custom SQL-based Tableau Datasources, making it more convenient for you.
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We hope these updates will improve your experience with Select Star. Please feel free to share your feedback and suggestions with us. Have a great day!
-Select Star Team 🫶